Fashion in MV

In the recent development of my website, many have asked me what is the intersection with the Fashion industry, how does that fit? My work is a flow and in that flow there are themes of relationship building and creating inclusive spaces. My partner and I just hosted a Fashion Event in Martha’s Vineyard. An event that was inspired by his sophisticated Resort Wear line but grounded in possibility, love and empowerment. We had a vision and we turned it into reality. The primary reason for the success was because we built relationships within the Martha’s Vineyard community and created an inclusive space where models, MUA, local artists, DJ, and our clients were received, welcomed and challenged to tap into their best selves. I had a mother of a model tell us a day after the show that her daughter, who modeled for us and is of Cape Verdean descent, had never accepted her Blackness in such a holistic way as she did at our event. She told us that being around other models of color was so uplifting and the strength and courage she received from that experience was transformative. A vendor wrote to us; “hearing what is at the heart and foundation of everyone’s work set my gears in motion to dig deeper into my own. I thank you for creating the environment which truly did empower me to reflect and become clearer with the intention behind my product.” Making the time and effort to go beyond just selling your product yields results. The result is more investment in the product which translates to more sales. I am left with the feeling that it’s not the industry that actually matters, it is the intention and for me, the relationship building and the authentic attempt to create spaces which are truly inclusive.


September reflections


Op Ed Project